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Client and Artist Horror Stories: The Enchanted Mugs

Client and Artist Horror Stories: The Enchanted Mugs

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Once upon a time…There were enchanted mugs..

Once, there was an artist who crafted a collection of exquisite, one-of-a-kind mugs. These mugs possessed an almost magical charm, but their vulnerability lay in the fact that dishwashers could strip away their enchantment, leaving the mugs forever marred. One fateful day, the artist fell ill, and a well-meaning family member unknowingly subjected the mugs to the merciless dishwasher, bringing about their irreversible demise.

Alas, the once-magical mugs lost their enchantment forever. The artist, upon recovering from illness, could only mourn the loss of their cherished creations. Yet, from that sorrowful experience, they found inspiration to create even more extraordinary works of art, ensuring that their legacy would continue to shine in the world of craftsmanship, even without the enchanted mugs. And so, the tale serves as a reminder that sometimes, even in loss, creativity and resilience can lead to new heights of artistic expression. 

And of course that you should label your creations as hand wash only. 

The End

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